Why You Need A Realtor?

Why You Need A Realtor?

Handle A Complicated Process

Buying or selling a home requires disclosure forms, inspection reports, mortgage documents, insurance policies, deeds, and multi-page settlement statements.

 An expert like a realtor will help you prepare the best deal, and avoid delays or costly mistakes.

Someone Who Speaks The Language

If you don't know a CMA from a PUD, you can understand why it's important to work with a realtor who is immersed in the industry and knows the real estate language.

Negotiating Skills

There are many negotiating factors, including price, financing, terms, date of possession, and inclusion or exclusion of repairs. 

The purchase agreement should provide a period of time for you to complete appropriate inspections and investigations of the property before you are bound to complete the purchase.

Marketing Power

 Real estate doesn't sell due to advertising alone. 

A large share of real estate sales comes as the result of a practitioner's contacts through previous clients, referrals, friends, and family.


Most people buy and sell only a few homes in a lifetime, usually with quite a few years in between each purchase.

Laws and regulations change, even if you have done it before. On the other hand, realtors handle hundreds of real estate transactions over the course of their career. 


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